I received these photograph from Alan Fulcher who obtained them from his family in Leicester. The people in the photograph are Alan's Uncle, Aunt and cousins. The photograph was taken at Jack and Eva's home in Leicester sometime in the 1950's, Jack and Eva moved to Leicester in the 1920's.
Back Row Left to Right :- Jack Fulcher, Jack's wife Eva Fulcher, Eva Fulcher (Bill's Daughter), Eva Fulcher (Bill's wife), Eva Fulcher (Jack's daughter), Ron Fulcher (Bill's son.
Front Row Left to Right :- Nina Fulcher (Bill's daughter), Bill Fulcher.
Jack and Bill were Allan's father's brothers who were born at 17 John Street Wheatley Hill. Jack married Eva Lowther in 1924 and Eva lived at 3 Fourth Street in Wheatley Hill. Her father was Thomas Henry Lowther who was a coal hewer at Thornley Colliery.
If anyone has further information on these pictures please contact me at cooky08054@comcast.net