Jean Barrett (nee Poole) sent me these photographs of her holiday at Redcar and the caravan in the background must be where they were staying.
is between the sand piles and the boy is Allen Ord. Linda, Jeans sister is on
Jean's right at the other side of the sand pile and Jean's other sister Margaret
is in the middle at the back
is the Poole family with Mr. William Poole and Amy Poole (nee Leggett). The girl
on the left is unknown, Jean is next and then Allen Ord with Margaret Poole on
the right.
I received these from Ray Errington.
This is Rays wife's father and mother John (called Sandy or Jack) Taylorson and Margaret at Blackpool.
This is Charlie Kears and family who were at South Shields on holiday or just out for the day.
Teddy Smart sent me this one of his holiday at Butlins in the early 60's with some of the lads from the village.
From Left to Right is Terry Hoban, Teddy Smart, Tom (Tucker) Rowland, Archie Jobes and Peter Wigham.
From Allan Fulcher
Another Blackpool snap with Allan Fulcher and his mother and Allan is doing his Jimmy Clitheroe impersonation for those who know who Jimmy Clitheroe is. (Sorry Allan couldn't resist)
From John Orchard
John sent me this of his holiday in Scarborough....yes that's John in short pants with his brother Doug and Mam and Dad.
Allan Fulcher on a 'Tiger' at Blackpool
Ron Syson sent me these two photographs.
This photographs show everyone enjoying themselves at Butlins 1961. It shows Mr. and Mrs Bobby Patterson, Ron and Betty Syson, Betty Syson, Harry and Peggy Syson, Mr and Mrs Ken Pratt, George and Cissey Reay, Mr and Mrs Maurice Nichols, Walter and Sylvia Ainscough.
This photograph taken at Blackpool in 1953 shows Harry, Peggy and Ron Syson, Frank and Pat Straughn, Mr and Mrs Hargraves, Mr and Mrs Curry and son Michael and George and Cissy Reay.
Jean Cowan sent me this photograph but I don't know where it was taken.
From left to right ???, Allan Ord, Jean Cowan, Sheila Cowan, middle row Kathleen Hennessy and Moyra Hunter, and the front row, two girls are called Humes and one of them was Moira,their mother was Florrie Humes who lived in John Street; Joyce Ramage, Colin Ramage and Jean Lowther.
Received this photograph from Paul Lowther via Allan Fulcher. It shows a family outing at Seaton Carew.
Paul said that the folks are....from left to right.....Dennis Clish (Paul's Uncle), Paul's Cousin Pauline, Molly Clish nee Lowther, Paul Dad Peter drinking a cuppa, Paul's sister Julie, brother Simon (Paul is behind Simon) and Paul thinks the other boy is Simon's friend Eddie Routledge.
I received the following photographs from Ray Errington and it shows the Taylorson and Errington family members on the beach at Blackpool.
Left to Right :- Michelle Taylorson, Margaret Taylorson, David Errington, Jennifer Errington, Stuart Errington, Jack (Sandy) Taylorson and behind Jack is Bella Brain.
I received this photograph from Tina Gutcher via Allan Fulcher and shows Wheatley Hill folks at Blackpool. Left to Right :- Sylvia Gutcher, ?, Sydney Gutcher. Update from Frank Dinsdale.....the man sitting with the two ladies with spectacles is Albert "Atchey" Atkinson with his wife "Nancy" on his right hand side. Frank says that they moved to Australia when Albert retired.
I received this photograph from Tina Gutcher via Allan Fulcher and shows Sydney Gutcher and friend at Butlins 1947.
I received these photographs from Irene Aydogan (nee Aspinall). The first one shows the family at Crimdon. On the right is Irene's Mam and Dad, Doreen and Alfie Aspinall. The next couple are Tommy and Nancy Lowther but Irene does not know the other couple. Irene is in the front. The photograph was taken about 1957
The second photograph shows the family outside Buckingham Palace circa 1958. Irene is on the left then her Mam Doreen then sisters Joyce and Audrey.